New financial solutions

Together with banks, we create tools
meeting the needs of agribusiness
Rich experience development of financial instruments


1st quarter
Pre-export ON under
buyer's guarantee
2nd quarter
letter of credit


2nd quarter
Target pre-export limit
funding within the framework of the general
post-export limit
3rd quarter
Pre-export line in shape
secured call options
insured goods as collateral
4th quarter
Non-recourse export
factoring with direct
customer limit


3rd quarter
Pre-export line on deposit
insured goods in transit:
in vehicles and railways
Quarter 4
Commodity REPO
in the insured
storage areas
Quarter 4
pre-export line
in contract logic


3rd quarter
export factoring
under EXIAR insurance
4th quater
Pre-export line under
pledge of the insured goods
in storage areas


1st quater
Voyage REPO: funding
goods on the ship in transit


3rd quarter
Post-export ON
under EXIAR insurance
Connection of quarterly revenue and quarterly funding limits
Потенциал роста выручки в 2023 году
Квартальный лимит постэкспортного финансирования
на 01.01.2023 — 132 млн долл
132 х 4 =
$528 млн
revenue ($ million)
Quarterly limit
funding ($ million)

DMA Group credit history

Confirming the stability of the business model since 2016
No items found.
VAT refund history
Since the company was founded, every boat and every loan has been paid on time
Total funding at the end of the season 2022/23
Банковская гарантия по НДС от банков за 2022 год
2.76 million tons, 17 commodities
Agricultural products have been exported since their inception

Our Team

Not just top market experts — like-minded people
Pavel Konev
IT technology direction
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Natalya Tugaleva
Chief Executive Officer
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Nadezhda Abubakarova
Export destination
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Denis Sushkov
Partner | Rostov Division
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Natalya Kucherenko
Procurement direction
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Yekaterina Shevtsova
Financial analytics
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Natalya Tugaleva
Chief Executive Officer
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Marianna Tsakunova
The direction of corporate finance
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Irina Salikhova
Accounting direction
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Evgenia Nesmeyanova
Sending legal support
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Denis Sushkov
Partner | Rostov Division
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Natalya Kucherenko
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Nadezhda Aksenova
The direction of contracting and operational accounting
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Alexey Khamlov
Head of Department in Stavropol, Head of Certification
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Denis Lavrichenko
Partner | Logistic support
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Dmitry Podgorny
Port Facilities Operations Director
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Yekaterina Valiulova
Director of organizational development
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Svetlana Pechenaya
Quality control
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Pavel Konev
IT Director
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Natalya Tugaleva
Chief Executive Officer
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Nadezhda Kornilova
Head of Export Department (FEA)
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Denis Sushkov
Rostov Division Manager
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Natalya Kucherenko
Chief Commercial Officer
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Yekaterina Shevtsova
Head of the Financial and Analytical Department
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Natalya Tugaleva
Chief Executive Officer
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Yekaterina Shmeleva
Treasury Director
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Irina Salikhova
Chief Accountant
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Evgenia Nesmeyanova
Head of Legal Department
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Denis Sushkov
Rostov Division Manager
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Natalya Kucherenko
Chief Commercial Officer
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Nadezhda Aksenova
Head of the Operational Accounting and Contracts Department
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Alexey Khamlov
Head of Department in Stavropol, Head of Certification
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Denis Lavrichenko
Head of Logistics and Transport
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Dmitry Podgorny
Port Facilities Operations Director
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Yekaterina Valiulova
Organizational Development Director
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Svetlana Pechenaya
Head of Quality
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”